Monday 10 October 2011

Aitor Throup

The man I discovered earlier when looking at Kasabian's artwork, I quite shockingly discovered is a menswear designer. It was his style of illustration that initially drawn me to him and still what I like most about him. Yet having browsed his site which the link to is in the title I also like some of the clothing he has produced. But back to my main interest the illustrations. I love his sketchbook like style, that is some what also a comic book style. This is an artist I will definetly keep an eye on.

Conceptual Art!

Christian Marclay.

A conceptual artist that today really caught my interest, being as interested in sound and music as I am the second I heard the word 'sound' I was engaged. I looked into some of his work on Youtube, finding videos like 'Marclay' on the Night show which I found to be extremely intruiging, I'm not sure what I liked about the sound he created but there was something captivating about it. The fact that it wasn't music so much but literally just sound just added to the intrigue. I also looked at his work 'The Clock' which I did try to post a video on but was having trouble with. Again I would describe that work as captivating, the patience he must have had to carry out such a project is astounding. The concepts based on time mentioned by Marclay himself in the video, particularly when he talks about watching to be entertained yet your always concious of the time your spending watching it and when Alain de botton talks of time being opressive and tyrannic it really made me look at time differently opening my mind to new ways of thinking. Marclay has really inspired me on the basis of conceptual art, opening my mind to different ways of thinking and some what allowing me to see exactly what can be achieved.

Seeing as I did have trouble with my upload here's the links to the videos I have mentioned.


Can't stop listening to this album! Definetly one of their best. Looking into the reasoning behind the name I discovered from 'Serge' himself that its because "Velociraptors used to hunt in packs of four" "They were the rock 'n' roll band of the dinosaurs" I'm also loving the artwork which comes from a man named Aitor Throup who's work I am intruiged by and want to look further in to after seeing this.